Below are those who have Died
since May 8, 2013:

without saving...

All of these once-living people had some kind of account on the networks.
If these people are no longer able to see the ads, then where are all of their accounts now?



Our great mission is to create FOREVER the world's first fundamental and eternal analog-digital instrument for the personal, family or group self-preservation of every human being, It's time to save not only the chairs we've been sitting on, but ourselves:

For only a human being is the only true value of the earth! And only a human being is capable of becoming the greatest value of the universe! ©, 1996, I.J.B.



Hello, Ladies and gentlemen! Comrades! Dear friends! Colleagues, partners, scientists and IT developers! Hello to all of you!

We offer a product that is based on the concept of "preserving people to participate in future projects"!

Since 1994, nearly $2 million has been spent on scientific and engineering development.

All along, the project has addressed two main goals: "How to preserve a complete genome for 50,000 years or more?" and "How to preserve forever the information about all the possible lives of that genome?"

To do what? To be able to repeat one's birth from scratch and to avoid repeating the same mistakes from life to life by creating what the author called "SAMOSAPIENTIZATION".

The final form of the project (hundreds of elements of which have been assembled over nearly 30 years of development) is based on the following scientific conclusions, the following new philosophical inferences, and marketable financial schemes.

1. All living things rot, and a cell in a Dewar vessel, after evaporation of liquid nitrogen, begins to rot on the third day of storage.

2. It takes 27 million tons of liquid nitrogen to preserve a single cell for 50,000 years in a 50-liter cryogenic storage dewar.

3. In 2006, the project reached the level of the idea of "nanonorm" storage (, but physically it was only possible to place 2000 individually extracted nanonorms in a 50 liter vessel.

4. It turns out that 13.5 billion tons (tons!) of liquid nitrogen would be needed to store 1 billion genomes for the first 50,000 years.

5. Including the cost of liquid nitrogen (50 cents per liter), the Dewar vessels themselves (replaced every 100 years!!!), electricity, space, personnel, and protection, the price was astronomical.

6. Nearly 4 billion dollars - to maintain one nanonorm of storage, or 4 quintillion - 4,000,000,000,000,000,000 USD for the Golden Billion (, or 8,000 trillion USD per year!

By 2006, despite tremendous effort and increased activity, the project had stalled between 2002 and 2005... Notwithstanding the discovery of a way to store live cells right at home, in the family, with liquid nitrogen replacement only once every 10-15 years. (DEEP SLEEP installation costs from 20 to 40,000 USD).

In 2007, an international group of scientists based at Princeton University in the United States sequenced the complete genome of the mammoth from natural keratin fibers (NKF) - using samples from Yakutia that had been stored in permafrost for 50,000 years and a museum sample from St. Petersburg that had been stored in room conditions for 200 years.

Thus, for the first time, it is scientifically proven that at a temperature of -18-22 g C, a storage period of 50000 years is possible, and at room temperature +18+31, a storage period of up to 200 years is possible.

This finally decided everything, and the project postponed all its cryo development, fully dedicating the founder's investment, the ideas and time of dozens of scientists and hundreds of engineers around the world to work with NKF.

As a result, the world's first regulations for NKF devices and storage methods were created, each element of which has been thoroughly (sometimes for five years, as in the case of the model NC.4002.8.12 manifold) worked out many times (

For example, the first 50000-year storage units cost $6,400, and the final units cost only 17 cents at the beginning of the multi-year collection and only $27 at the time the 50000-year units were placed in mass ice storage.

At the same time, in parallel with the project, its founder developed the idea of a new practical philosophy, first called SAVEISM, ANTHROPOSAVEISM and finally given a more scientific name - SOZOISM | SOZONTISM, the program essay of which is "HUMANS AND THE SUN".

The "HUMANITY BOOK" offered to you today, as an it-portal that includes many platforms, is the result of a great, at times grandiose, work.

It is easy to understand the work of the portal and its platforms. In the digital part - it is a personal eternal page of each person in the "Book of Humanity" and the possibility to save a number of carriers of the main information; especially important personalized files - public from the moment of saving and secret with secrecy terms of 1 - 5 - 25 - 50 and 100 years; letters to Humanity - public from the moment of their saving and secret with secrecy terms of 1 to 100 years to choose; especially important files and letters to Humanity, saved for reasons known only to the author - anonymously.

After working through more than 20 financial concepts, the project settled on the option of generation-to-generation (G2G) micropayments without advertising (i.e., without tracking the user and without dependence on big business and government lobbyists).

The important conditions of the project are the following: not a single piece of information, once stored in the "Book of HUMANITY", can never be deleted by anyone! Not even by the special services on the basis of their appeals some information can be transferred to the category of secret only for a period of 50 years, but never deleted by anyone!

It is not possible to change important files, but it is possible to change texts within page profiles and some variety with avatars, the number of which is limited to 15 for the entire existence of any page.

The main limitation, however, stems from the fact that the MEM (My Eternal Memory) platform - the custodian of personalized eternal storage pages - allows only one 8 Mb digital file to be attached to a page per three months - for both the president of the United States and a homeless person from the developing world.

"The Book of Humanity", as the ultimate keeper of history, has virtually no viewers. All viewers are set up so that guests see only 10 pages or files, while a logged-in user sees only 1000. However, viewers have powerful search engines for tags, descriptions, and additional information that is actively created to be filled in when saving.

If tags and descriptions are properly filled in, people of the future will be able to easily find any information about any topic or person in the "Book of Humanity". Tags and descriptions can be many times larger than the size of the stored information itself.

So this file can be found in different ways. Both directly, through relatives, data, institution, etc.

The system is set up so that the basic cost of participation can be a one-time fee (2 ( and 0.99|2.99|19.99+ (on the pages fair) dollars). The fee is only for storing the file if the site administrator decides to store another file. No subscriptions! No hidden fees! With a guarantee to keep your files as long as humanity can keep the Book of Humanity running as the first conditionally eternal, as the universe itself is conditionally eternal, planetary portal.

Thus, as a result of minimal participation in the project, a person can spend 2 US dollars during his lifetime and save his name and date of birth in the "Book of Humanity" or buy his personal page at any cost convenient to him, as all pages have equal rights (the cheapest costs 099 US dollars ($2.99 and $19.90!!!), the most expensive one costs several billions, and the only difference is that it is called "Vanity Fair", the meaning of which is not only the status during your lifetime, but also the status when your new parents choose you in the future, just by the page in the "Book of Humanity". User can use one -90% (up to -99.998% on an actions) discount promo code when buying 11 times - promo code value $5. Can save the site profile for free - the first avatar and the first saving of the completed profile is free!!!!! Can buy additional avatars (5Mb - 15 in total) per site for $7(6.14), can delete avatars at the price of 99 dollars. Can change profile information for 2(0.5) dollars. Finally, and most importantly, can save an 8MB V.I.F. (Very Important File) file once in a three month for $14 (with storage forever). Can create and store "Letters to Humanity" or to yourself in the future for $2 per 1000 characters. Can pay to keep files and emails secret at a fluctuating but always reasonable price, depending on the cost of encryption and separate top secret storage (secret files cannot be seen by anyone, not even the author or administrator, until the secrecy expires). Finally, files and emails can be stored anonymously at a price of $101 and $11 per file and 1000 characters per email (in version 2.0).

This project does not need dynamic development or investment. It does not depend on the speed of its development, because time is not crucial for The Book of Humanity. Plus or minus 10 years, as well as a hundred years, do not matter for the project.

Once created, this portal will gradually accumulate all the interests of a person's life. The time will inevitably come when the interface of this portal will become the main interface of a person's life - daily and in many ways the only one!

Join the project! The profile allows you to store (save) information about the fact of collecting and storing NKF-collectors. Start collecting your NKF-collectors. This can take anywhere from 3-5 years to 15 years of collecting under certain conditions.

Read the articles and materials of the portal, eventually all of them will appear online, and the absolute majority of informational texts will be free of charge. In exceptional cases, it will be offered to exchange one or another text of the portal to your e-mail address ...

We have no doubt that the development of science will follow the path of those technologies that can become truly mass, covering the vital interests of billions of people, not just a few. Moreover, no one can guarantee that the world of the future will be kinder, not angrier, to all those who have lived at the expense of societies, and that all those who have preserved their genomes in special repositories at public expense will not one day be destroyed along with these repositories, as the indestructible Bastille was once destroyed by man. The rights of all people in their future are too important, and realizing that it is better to preserve both blood, sperm, cells and NKF, it may happen that in a few thousand years only the NKF of all those who collected them and honestly preserved them along with everyone else will remain in storage.

Artificial synthesis of DNA by stabilized, but nothing else than glycerin not treated natural sample of the complete genome as a way to replace only about 50 million pairs of nucleotides in artificially created in advance matrices (3.2 billion pairs of nucleotides, of which 99 to 99. 9% of all people are the same), will sooner or later become not only a ubiquitous norm for all reasonable people, but also the only way for a human being and humanity itself to overcome deep space and be born on a new planet when the sun begins to go out, or earlier by indications - assisted, next to a new star, sucked to fresh water by a robotic codoliote (codeship).

The creation of codoliote | (in addition to the quality of life of people here and now) will sooner or later become the main idea that unites peoples and generations of the Earth, the realization of which is real, but it will require a different politics and economy of the world, a new philosophy. We have already partially realized and even partially created it.

Join us! HUMANITYBOOK.COM(R) is more than politics, it is more than economics, it is even more than philosophy with all its rich history, but a history created by the disposable. A world of reusable human life and reusable humanity lies ahead.

The more of us (portal users) there will be from generation to generation, the faster analog continental storages will appear. In the meantime - according to the laws of the portal - for the first 20 - 100 years (glycerin replacement period in nail collectors, and there is 9-10 times more DNA in nails than in hair) your collectors should be stored after the end of the collection in the freezers of your family home refrigerators. And we strongly discourage you from depositing them in commercial or government banks at this time. Too many stories have surfaced about genetic databases being sold or used for military purposes.

Don't be ashamed of this project - all the shame and all the embarrassment of the world (related to the collection of nails, hair, sperm, eggs, skin, etc., etc., etc.) has already been compensated for you by the pioneers of the project, its founders - the Barbe family - father, mother, their three sons, two grandparents, who lived and partially already died with a completely new mood, knowing that their complete analog-digital master codes have been collected and given to their relatives for preservation.

Without a doubt, this project will be supported by all the world's religions! Carefully and cautiously at first, but in the future making Replone technology a part of their development.

Replone from the English ~replay, ~one, ~alone - to outplay a single person.



"We can never know something if we are sure we already know it! It is this boundary that divides the world into those who know everything and therefore stand still, and those who know they know nothing and therefore move forward no matter what!" Igor Barbé (as Barbeh), 2006.